The Cloud Bouncer MkIII, produced by AmpleLift Industries, is an atmospheric multi purpose space transport. Produced in small numbers this sleek little craft is best suited for the occasional fliers or small cargo delivering runs.
LI:96 w/o physics LI:140~ w/ physics
- Changeable N-number
- Atmospheric and "Space" flight
- Changing cargo texture / Clickable RP Cargo
- Clickable 1st person controls. No HUD/no commands
Great GTFO setup & Modern Looks, flying scripts needs work.
After reading the reviews, I don't feel so bad about the difficulties I'm having with it. I really like the modern looks, the GTFO compatibility, the cargo loading and unloading that comes with it, you can change the side logo for your own. The active buttons and controls are neat, though I do have to use a card to remember all commands. I'm still learning to fly it comfortably. From the previous reviews, I know know it's top speed is what it does.
The company only has one product, so it should be an issue to focus on the machine and scripts. Get the first one right and working for the customers, then the next one will get more fanfare.
Feel free to visit and check the bird out at my place.
So much good, but needs a lot of work.
First, I'd like to say, seeing this thing on occasion when I usually fly out of it got me excited. Futuristic aircraft are extremely rare in SL, which is sad. Now, on to some pressing matters. This thing at any normal flight cealing is fun and weighty as it should be. Its a bit slow though, full throttle you're barely faster than a piston engine aircraft, which is nice for cruising. Though that being said it'd be nice if it were a bit faster. Second, for some odd reason it likes to continuously give you a pop up for inputs on every crossing. Not sure if this has to do with me flying with a friend but it needs to be fixed. You also get a script error about trying to trigger animations as well after a certain amount of crossings.
I do hope that they go back and rework this thing, as it has lots of potential. It could use improvements to the model such as moving flight surfaces while in atmosphere. Some other sound effects here and there such as for the gear and door. But all n all, for what you get currently, I'd say the price is a bit steep. If it were to get reworked and updated to fix certain aspects it'd be well worth it. I do not regret purchasing this thing and will continue to fly it.
Outta control...
This plane looks so awesome NOT to be able to fly it normally or how one chooses in SL...I'm happy to be a proud owner of such a beast but wish the flight controls allowed users to pick and choose how to enjoy such a plane! Very disappointing, imo. I would have been FLOORED had it been the other way around and something anyone could master...smh
Pretty, but tough to fly.
The Plane itself is very pretty with nice colors and it's easy to unload and load the cargo. The textures are somewhat low-rez, but that's ok as it'll be easy for people to see you coming and get out of the way. The rear of the craft's tail is a bit weird looking. I like the seating and the cockpit controls which you will need to use.
The instructions warn that it doesn't fly like a normal SL aircraft. This is very true. The main pivot point is in the cockpit in the atmosphere and the camera doesn't always align correctly. You MUST enable click in mouselook or you will not be able to control the aircraft in flight easily. This is doubly true once you get into Space flight.
Above 2000m it is a danger to itself and others. The vernier control is maddening for a beginner. I turned on the boosters and ended up embedded in a skybox within seconds. Honestly, I think I need flying lessons again just to get it under control in space. If you see an orange spaceplane spinning out of control and going through your skybox it's probably one of these and a pilot that needs lessons like me.
I will use this to try to play GTFO, but I will not fly too high.