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MuddPuddles: Cammi Outfit {B} Cotton (add to unpack) Versão 1.0

MuddPuddles: Cammi Outfit {B} Cotton (add to unpack)
MuddPuddles: Cammi Outfit {B} Cotton (add to unpack)

Product Type: Mesh
Permissions: Copy
Avatar Type: Toddleedoo
Sizes: Baby
Contains: Top & Pants
Shoes found @ MuddPuddles

TD Kid clothing created upon request. Send NC with the outfit you wish to purchase in Kid Size. Note: Some request maybe not accepted due to a half dozen situations that pertain to certain styles. If the demand for a certain style is high enough a full product line of Kid Size will be released in that style.

MuddPuddles designs mesh clothing for Toddleedoo Avatars only. This means you must have a Toddleedoo Avatar sold by CuteBytes in order to wear this item.

Veja o item no Second Life

L$ 125

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Isa Cloud

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.

Funcionam com avatares Toddleedoo
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Mesh: 100% Mesh