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[NEO x ROZ] Lilith: Red Revenge HUD Versão 1.5

[NEO x ROZ] Lilith: Red Revenge HUD
[NEO x ROZ] Lilith: Red Revenge HUD
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[New Hud]

[Lilith Hud] Red Revenge: Fire ... magic ... POWER ...
Tempting right? You just have to let yourself be consumed by the fire and energy of an ancient demon to be able to defeat your enemies with forces never seen before.
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This hud contains the following abilities:

⚸ Heat Ray
⚸ Fire Wind
⚸ Gate to Hell
⚸ Red Stalkers
⚸ Hell Bullets (Contains menu of 3 different shots)
⚸ Infernal Melee
⚸ Infernal Aura / Boost
⚸ Heat Defense
⚸ Crimson Fade
⚸ Threat Sensor
⚸ Infernal Pursuer
⚸ Drag to the Underworld
⚸ Hell Prison
⚸ Posession
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And 4 extra special abilities.
⚸ Hellish shock
⚸ Infernal Geyser
⚸ Scarlet Punishment
⚸ Soft Touch
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Contains: hud interface, aura add-on,
added dash and an extra hud box in male version.

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L$ 1.500

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