NEW ✪1 Prim Firs Builders Kit 2✪
Fantastic 1 Prim Firs Builders Kit 2
With this trees you can easily style up your own Christmas Surroundings. These trees gives off a Christmas feeling.
You can also easily hang on your own creations to the trees like Christmas decoration and presents under the trees.
3x Baked Textures [full perm]
2x [AO] Ambient Occlusion Maps (Shadow Map)[full perm]
1x Color Map[full perm]
4x Sculpty Map [full perm]
4x different shaped Firs
1x Examples [no transfer]
+Extra Sculpty Rezzer [In Case you don´t have it already- No need to use it, caz it has 1 prim and you can also get the size out of the Examples]
-------->You may also like 1 Prim Fir Builders Kit
L$ 100
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