[N.V.US] ::daddy issues:: [groin / belly tattoo][bom][bakes on mesh]

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hey look, we're not gonna judge you. everybody has a rough time every now and then.

and now you can show you're having one with this [N.V.US] Daddy Issues groin / lower belly tattoo. wear it, put some ridiculously skimpy clothes on, paint your face in all kinds of colors and you'll be the talk of the town, we promise.

This is a Bakes on Mesh layer, which means it works with every BoM-enabled body, as well as with classic avatars. No HUDs, no scripts, just wear it!

Unisex, which means it works both for male bodies, female bodies, and everything in between. However... kinda meant for girls ;p Make sure BoM is enabled in your body HUD.

Happy inking <3


  • nvus
  • tattoo / ink
  • bom / bakes on mesh
  • groin / belly
  • daddy / daddy's / daddy issues



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Vendido por: Mystyquee

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