[N.V.US] ::the girl with the dragon tattoo:: [shoulder / back tattoo][bom][bakes on mesh]

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There's a movie called "The girl with the dragon tattoo." In it is a girl (played by Rooney Mara) with a dragon tattoo (played by Daniel Craig)(kidding). We know, right? Who'd have thunk.

And now you can be a "The girl with the dragon tattoo" girl with a dragon tattoo, too, with this [N.V.US] The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo dragon tattoo! (yes, we lost ourselves there too)

It's sitting nicely on the left side of the shoulder / back. Bear with us, shape matters (especially shoulder width).

This is a Bakes on Mesh layer, which means it works with every BoM-enabled body, as well as with classic avatars. No HUDs, no scripts, just wear it!

Make sure BoM is enabled in your body HUD.

Happy inking <3


  • nvus
  • tattoo
  • bom / bakes on mesh
  • the girl with the dragon tattoo
  • back / shoulder



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Vendido por: Mystyquee

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