<Nerox> Rocket boots 1.0 Versão 1.0
-animated: 2 position
-additional control (use double key press for dash)
-double jump and flying
-non rigged
uses modified script system of "[Jetpack MK2]" writend by Vay (infinite.rage)
Attention !!! design to fit for Kemono Avatar!
Love these boots!
I still use them for my Maitreya body too. I make the boot parts invisible and line up the boosters to a boot I can link to this. Great boot for Kemono, and for modding to other boots. Just wish I could turn the sound of the rockets down a bit.
Amazing Boots
Omg... So amazing boots, *w* I love them, are magnific... with a lot of functions (even more than those indicated in the description) :O
And... only 100L?!!
7/5 stars. <3
L$ 100
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