New York, Brooklyn Tenement 0009

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 2 Resenhas


The New York Building project is a collection of Shops, Tenements, Vintage Brownstone, Theatres and other Buildings designed to create a New York like city environment.
The Shop/Tenement Buildings, have default Shop textures (mostly
original Brooklyn / Harlem / Manhattan shops), but are made in a way you can easily cover up the signs to personalize the shop.

3D FireEscape steps (when applied) are SelfRezzing temporary prims to keep the Total prim usage low.
Doors and Shutters at the Front side open and close by clicking on it.
The Shutters slide up in the wall.

NEW YORK mall & BuildingMarket
New York, Dentro (click to go to the shop)

Visit also our DUTCH mall & BuildingMarket
New Zaandijk, Dentro (click to go to the shop)

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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 06/07/2009 por Melody Regent

Great Build, and it fit perfectly into our New York NYC sim. Helped to bring the sim together. I think we own most of the set! Thank you

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Dehlia Steinhardt

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