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Nommable Toasties - Apricot Jam

Nommable Toasties - Apricot Jam
Nommable Toasties - Apricot Jam
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The all awesome NOMMABLE TOASTIES!

Are you a fan of toast like i am? looking for that thing that just REALLY finishes your avatar or adds that little hint of cute that your after, then Nommable Toasties by [CAEK!] is just what you need.

Whats in the box?
- A piece of toast on a plate (With the toast design of your choice) thats fitted for your head, that comes complete with texture change face and sound!

- Toast for your mouth! you nom gently on the corner! Comes with texture change face and sound!

- Huggable bread! For all the times when a plushie just wont do!

L$ 150

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Vendido por: Amylee Enderfield

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