Noodles - The Captain's Hand Silver

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** THIS IS A GACHA ITEM! Gacha items are no-copy transferable items, one sold at a time. They're very popular collectible items made by many companies. PLEASE CHECK THE LISTING NAME AND IMAGE TO MAKE SURE YOU'RE GETTING THE COLOR/VARIETY YOU WANT PRIOR TO PURCHASING! No refunds will be given for this mistake. **

DO YOU HAVE YOUR MARKETPLACE SET TO SOMETHING THAT ISN'T ENGLISH? READ THIS BEFORE READING! Since September 2014, there has been a language glitch that randomly effects non-English users, and it lists the names of listings incorrectly. To check for this glitch, look at the name of the item in the address bar. If it's different than the name on the listing, that means you have the glitch. THE NAME IN THE ADDRESS BAR IS THE CORRECT NAME OF THE ITEM! If you ignore this and purchase anyway, you will not receive a refund.

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DEERFIELD . home, design, gacha
DEERFIELD . home, design, gacha
Vendido por: ArellaMarie

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