G Geral

[OO] Post-O-Matic - boxed Versão 1.0

[OO] Post-O-Matic - boxed

[OO] Post-O-Matic

Send vintage / antique postcards with custom messages to your friends via this stylish, antique mailbox!
Select one from the 60 preloaded images, enter the name of the recipient, type your message and send
funny postcard to anyone in SL!
Ideal for birthday, holiday (Christmas, Halloween, etc) events, clubs and community places in vintage, antique, Victorian or contemporary environments.

- Menu driven configuration
- Adjustable stamp price (It can be L$0 of course!)
- 60 original, vintage postcard images!
- Customizable floating text (Edit the description line of the object!)

Setting up - a step by step guide

- Rez your Post-O-Matic mailbox
- Allow access, if it requests your permission to handle money
- Rez your full permission Postcard on the ground
- Enter the Post-O-Matic's menu, and press the UUID button!
- Copy the provided key from your local chat window
- Edit your Postcard, and paste this key (UUID) to the description line
- Uncheck the "copy" permission for the Postcard's next owner
(We need to deliver unique postcards, right?)
- Take the Postcard from the ground
- Put it into the Post-O-Matic's contents
- Done!

Technical details:
- Modify / Transfer
- LOD-resistant design
- Custom textures
- Very low prim!
- Low-lag script!
- Free, lifetime upgrades!
- The well-known, top notch quality by:

The Golden Oriole
Antiques & Curiosities

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