OPQ 36 European Beeches 01a (CM)

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+ 1 Land impact
+ Perfect LoD
+ Extremely low lag
Here is something you haven't seen before. Old fashioned "Crossed sheet" trees are still very popualr in Second Life for very good reasons: they are low prim, they are low lag and they fit just about everywhere, except mayeb as full upfront feature trees. Even crude the old prim and sculpt variants of the concept are amazingly resource efficient and with the OPQ 4 L$ budget trees we have taken this seemingly simple diea far beyond anything any other SL plant brand has ever managed.
But they are still 1 land impact each. How about a whole forest of 36 of them at only 1 LI? This is possible partly because of our builder, Chin Rey's, extraordinary skills in mesh optimization, partly by some very carefully planned patterns to reduce the polycount without making the group looking too regular. These trees are full LoD too even. Have you noticed how meshes by less skilled makers loose their shape when viewed from a distance. These trees don't. They look exactly the same no matter how far away they are, the only limitation id the draw distance your viewer is set up with.
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If you like this product, please leave a positive review! It only takes a minute and is highly appreciated! ^_^
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase in any way, send an IM or a notecard to TessJL Resident or ChinRey Resident and we'll do our best to correct any errors. If you're still not happy, feel free to leave a negative review here.

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Vendido por: TessJL
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  • Autorizações:
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  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 1
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh