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:OTR:)<SF>( Healing Wall

:OTR:)<SF>( Healing Wall
:OTR:)<SF>( Healing Wall
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Thank you for lookinng :OTR:)<SF>( Healing Wall! This item is compatible with Spell Fire 1 meter, and increases Health point. The wall is controlled by a chat command. When the secret code is spoken, a face appears in the wall and invites a patient to walk it through for healing.

Only those who know a secret code can use it for healing. You can customize a secret code by modifying a notecard in the inventory. This way, in your roleplay, you can restrict healing ability to those who qualify.

The permission for this item is set Copy/Mod, so that you can customize a secret code. However, I recommend not to resize, link/unlink, color or adjust glow of the statue, as some prim properties are controlled by scripts.

This item also can be used by non-meter roleplayers, as the appearance of the face with glow with particle + sound effects in itself is magical and enjoyable. Super low prim, too!

[How to Use]
1. Say a secret code in channel 8 (e.g., /8 heal )
2. Have an avatar walk through the wall. The healing effect remains for 30 seconds.

You may not more than one statue within a 20 m range.

Try a demo in my in-world store (on the 2nd floor)!

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L$ 200

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:OTR: Over The Rainbow
:OTR: Over The Rainbow
Vendido por: Swimmie Chaffe

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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  • Licenciado para o usuário
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