Animated Fish – menu driven setup
This animated fish was the result of much effort by us in great menu script and sculptured prim usage to deliver what we think is a great low prim (single prim per fish) low price solution. Unlike some fish we have seen that are really just fish pictures – and therefore the fish disappears when it turns sideways, these fish are done in custom sculptured prims that we do our selves. Therefore when they turn sideways, there is still a fish visible. And then we add a very complex texture to add eyes, fins, colors, sometimes scales, and realism and fun to the fish.
We also added copy. One thing that annoyed us in the past on some fish sales was not only that they were pictures but that one had to pay for every fish. Not in this case. Each fish style allows copy – so copy as many as you wish. We also provide two sizes, but instructions inside tell you how to modify the size. And you if desired, may also wish to modify color for even more variety.
Instructions inside tell you, the owner, on how to use the menu driven setup. This setup allows a great number of x distances that the fish can roam in and y distances. We do not allow z distances since we have noted in the past that in our experience, fish traveling up and down mostly just cause problems – like leaving the water. You also have five choices of speed. When done, position the fish in the center of the area you wish, save this center position using one button press of the menu, and when ready, press start. The fish do move in spurts, rather than constant motion, in order not to tie up your sim more than necessary.
Veja o item no Second Life- Programmable x and y swim area distance
- Programmable speed
- Starts and Stops like a real fish
- Menu driven start up
- Single Prim per fish - but still 3 dimensional (sculpted)