Otaku. Bell Collar
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This product does not include RLV but is COMPATIBLE with Whim RLV, a HUD system which you must purchase separately. The collar is modify, so if you want to, you can add your own RLV scripts.
I am not the creator of Whim. If you're unhappy with the way the Whim product works, you can find their discord in the notecard. I just create mesh collars.
~Silenced~ store:
You can also purchase the HUD at the Otaku. mainstore to help support the brand!
This collar is powered by Whim RLV, and also includes a version with just the resizer scripts. Refer to the included notecards for more information.
10 colors are available out of the box with an additional 7 metals to choose from. The collar is also modify for extra customization if you require it.
You can choose to wear the cowbell, nekobell or no bell from the HUD and can resize each individual component using the modify permissions.
If you are interested in a DEMO, visit my inworld store to see the collar in person!
Veja o item no Second Lifemuito lindo
excelente qualidade!
The best collar i've owned!
I love my Bell Collar! Resizing is extremely easy and the HUD offers amazing color customization to truly make it your own. I would highly recommend this to anyone, it looks amazing even with the bell hidden as well.
L$ 300
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