Hello, thank you for your interest on this bag
It is rigged and stretchable. The rigged version comes in a version thats tight to the flesh and another with a bit more room for bulky clothes.
Rigged sizes:
- Belleza Jake
- Aesthetic
- Signature Gianni
- Legacy original
- Kario
- Belleza Freya
- Maitreya Lara
- Legacy
- Dev Nana
- Hourglass
- Kupra
- Reborn
A texture hud allows you to change the textures, 5 leathers and 5 metals for the buckles. (can test them all in-world's rezzed demo)
Thats all! thank you for reading
Pucca Firecaster
does not fit
very poor fit on a normal body
As always, great detail!
Love the detail as PFC, though the satchel is a bit pricey for just one item. Though with it modible, you can link it to other pfc things to decrease attachments as well which I love.