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[PSI] BOSTON Bachelor Apartment Skybox Premium (2 in 1) Versão 1.0

[PSI] BOSTON Bachelor Apartment Skybox Premium (2 in 1)
[PSI] BOSTON Bachelor Apartment Skybox Premium (2 in 1)
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48 Land impact, 24m long 16m wide footprint

2 in 1 !!! including the Basic version!

You save 100L$!!!

- Unique custom design, perfect for home or little shop, studio...
- Perfect for 512 sqm parcel
- Studio style with one level + one gallery level
- Working fireplace
- Light on/off - with flicker option
- Panorama on/off
- Panorama changing with light
- Panorama alpha masked, you see the SL sky
- City enviroment sound on/off
- Owner/everyone option
- Only 2 script with low memory

- Basic version in pack!

Only the building is modifiable, textures and scripts or sounds are not!

Veja o item no Second Life

L$ 299

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Peeter Tamerlane

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 48