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Patio Umbrella and Table Set Mauve (boxed)

Patio Umbrella and Table Set Mauve (boxed)
Patio Umbrella and Table Set Mauve (boxed)
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Enjoy the evening together with a scoop of ice cream and a cup of coffee under our lighted patio umbrella, with table and chairs. Singles male and female sits. All mesh. This is the version with mauve fabric.

Umbrella, chairs and table are 13 land impact together.
Rezzables vary depending on which you have rezzed.
Ice Cream: 4 LI
Coffee: 4 LI
Spring Flowers centerpiece: 2 LI
Vase with Daisies: 3 LI

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L$ 280

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Potomac Signature Homes
Potomac Signature Homes
Vendido por: Winter Loxely

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh