Personal Jet Pack

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Personal Jet Pack.

- 3 modes: Hover, Standard and Advance
- Fly’s Left, Right, Up, and Down
- Turns Left and Right
- Partial smoke when Landing, Throttling, and while idle
- Rocket sound, and glowing flame.
- Has a carry mode allowing one to carry another
- Only owner is allowed to fly

- E and C for Throttle up and throttle down
- W and S for rotate forward and back
- A and D for rotated left and right
- Shift + A or D to strife left and right.
- Touch near bottom of jet back to change modes
- Carry mode is activated by another clicking on the front of you and choosing fly after the owner is flying

- To go forward, rotate your avatar forward. Same goes for backwards. The more you lean, less altitude you gain but the faster forward you go.
- Use hover if you need to IM or chat
- Standard is good for beginners. Advance gives you more control.




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Willy's Imperium Gadgets and More
Willy's Imperium Gadgets and More
Vendido por: willkillyaquick Sands

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