G Geral

Phantom Dominion Castle

Phantom Dominion Castle

Measures about 32M X 52M & 62M Tall
Copy/Modify after proper setup
Scripts used are copy only...

Designed to sit on the water or at least partially...let the breeze blow off the sea ...enjoy the solitude of your very own Labyrinth....includes your very own Phantom Boat...

All doors will lock...See Door Instructions in Content...The Labyrinth Door uses an access list...removing the # sign and Trust "name" makes operation only for owner...if you have a friend you would like to operate door, list them by Trust "name" in configuration notecard...

The cell doors in the dungeon also lock with access list option...click on door and type show help in local chat for instructions...

The Phantom Boat...after sitting, use arrow keys to move in direction you choose and to make boat go faster, click on boat...there are 5 speeds...:)

Hello...I am Satra and I build low prim castles, palaces and some medieval homes...each home is unique in its own way...some have teleporters built in...some have hidden passages...and uhm...many of them have at least one dungeon...enjoy exploring my creations...:)

If you need assistance with setup...i am always happy to help..just IM Satra Rhode

Have a look at my Marketplace Store for other fine Castles...



Please rate my product if you would be so kind...

  • Phantom Boat
  • Hidden Passage to Labyrinth
  • Elegant Drapes with Blinds