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Poserz - Static Eyes with inviter Hud (wear to unpack)

Poserz - Static Eyes  with inviter Hud (wear to unpack)
Poserz - Static Eyes  with inviter Hud (wear to unpack)
4 Resenhas

PLEASE BE AWARE:- If you have a mesh head that comes with BLINKING animations it will clash with this hud! You will have to turn the blink animations off too take your Photographs.

Have you ever been taking pictures of your friends or clients and had problems with thieir eyes moving all over the place?

With this HUD you can animate not only your own eyes but other peoples eyes too!!

All you have to do is invite them onto the pose HUD you are wearing :D

There are 8 different eye pose positions in this HUD. Please see picture for reference

  • Invite upto 6 avatars at once
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Works at it should, flawless
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 01/09/2020 por captainwonderpanties

Been using it since 2017, now buying it again for my alt to pose with my main, is perf, thanks for making it. <3

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 19/03/2017 por AliceHaus

Not much of eye poses :( I found this HUD too basic

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L$ 99

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Roserz

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