PrimEvil: Suits of Armor 1

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo Resenhas (1)


A standing suit of Armor (mesh) suitable for castle settings , medieval themes, or just as a unique decor item around your home. Box includes 2 copies of the Armor - one high res version of 10 prims (with backfaces and edges) - and one low res version of 4 prims (no backfaces).
Baked rusty armor textures with shadows and highlights, and high level of detail for the prim count - make these suits of armor really stand out.
The Sword is detachable (one prim standalone) - replace it with your favorite weapon :)

2 x suits of Armor (matched), 1 x high res = 10 prims, 1 x low res (4 prims).
Detachable Sword (=1 prim standalone).
Baked textures with lighting and shadows.
Copy and Modify enabled
NOTE: Standing Armor for decor - Not Wearable

If in doubt as to their quality - please see them inworld at Primevil (direct TP below)

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  • 2 x suits of Armor (matched), 1 x high res = 10 prims, 1 x low res (4 prims)
  • Detachable Sword (=1 prim standalone)
  • Baked textures with lighting and shadows
  • NOTE: Standing Armor for decor - Not Wearable
  • Copy and Modify enabled

Resenhas (XX)

Classificação média: 5 estrelas Distribuição
5 estrela(s):
4 estrela(s):  (0)
3 estrela(s):  (0)
2 estrela(s):  (0)
1 estrela(s):  (0)

Postado(s) 03/05/2018 por Tagart 5 estrelas

Low Price, Low Prim Count, High Detail. This could not be better.

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Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • 5 estrelas 1 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 4
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh