Pull Ferm - Full Perm - Basic Shelf A (Wear me)

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 0 Resenhas


- Pull Ferm -

Thank you for viewing this product.

By purchasing this product you agree to the following conditions:

+ You can not sell/transfer this/these item(s) full perm, this includes free samples.

+ You can sell this/these item(s) with your own mesh or use them in your own builds as a non full perm. (copy/mod/no trans) or (trans/mod/no copy)

+ Mesh and (ao/uv) maps can only be used in Second Life.

+ Textures can be edited but only used in Second Life.

+ Maps can be exported to edit for textures but must only be used in Second Life

+ Meshes and (ao/uv)maps are not to be given away or resold in any independent manner.

For modifications or custom full perms feel free to send a notecard to PullFerm Resident.

Thank you again,

Pull Ferm Team

Veja o item no Second Life




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É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
Consulte os detalhes do produto para obter as informações de permissão
Re-entrega automática
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 2