RLV Outfit HUD Versão 1

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Wear the RLV Outfit HUD and click it to get the menu of all the subfolders of the #RLV folder in your inventory. To get started make a folder #RLV in your inventory and put as many subfolders as you need containing things you would like to wear and take off from your avatar.

Edit the script named RLV Outfit HUD in it's contents to remove folders from showing up on the HUD's menu.

Requires you have the RLVa mode enabled in your viewer.


  • Attach and Detach all subfolders in #RLV.
  • Easy HUD menu access to some things you like to wear.



Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


kranzworth media
kranzworth media
Vendido por: Magenta Cerulean

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