.:ROXY:. small medieval stable v.1
1 Resenhas
Mediaval, small stable with highly detailed textures and places for up to 35 horses. 68 prims.
One click rezz (rezzer packed)
30/10 m size.
N O T I C E !!!
If you want to see this building rezzed in world or if you want to check if it fits your land, BUY DEMO FIRST!
- highly detailed textures
- medieval style
- scripted gates
- place for horses
Roxy's products are second to none. You have to see the quality to believe. They are the best I have seen in SL. Price, quality, and customer service... PERFECT.... What more can you ask for... Thank you Roxy...
Sarasmilez Resident
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L$ 399
Roxana Paulino
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Impacto no terreno: 68