R(S)W A-Z Bookends; Ash/Pear

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This pair of classic AZ bookends is perfect for any modern shelf! They are two separate objects, so you can put any number of books between them, or even use them on different shelves!

But when you link them, they are only a single LI (prim) at normal size. (Each one is worth approximately half an LI. As with all mesh, if you make them huge, this will change.)

They are constructed so that each letter, and each base, is a different "face." So each can be tinted separately, to add a bit of color or value to the wood! (If you would like solid colors, please see my Plain Bookends.)

Detailed instructions for tinting and linking are included in the package.

So create your own decor! Use these lovely bookends with R(S)W Mesh Books (available on Livingtree,) your own books, or all by themselves. They'll look great on any shelf in your home.

Come see them in person on Livingtree!

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  • Separate Mesh Bookends - Use any distance apart
  • Low LI - Only one LI (prim) when they are linked together
  • Mod - Tint them any color you like (4 Faces to Tint)
  • Copyable - Rez as many pairs as you need
  • Very LOD Resistant - always look great!



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Robin Sojourner
Robin Sojourner

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 1