Red-Green Macaw Parrot

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Animania sells the best looking animated animals in Second Life. The Animania Parrots are great looking birds, lo-prim and lo-lag scripting. The Parrot walks up and down the perch and occasionally spreads its wings and flies around. When landing on it's perch, wings are folded in and starts moving around again. Head, body, feet and tail are animated in 3 (!)directions in a realistic Parrot movement. The menu provides resizing option for Small, Medium and Large Parrot size. Includes authentic Parrot sounds. Sound and flight can be turned on/off and sound volume can be set.

In 'chat' mode the parrot can repeat what you say on a secret channel, so you can make it say all kinds of stuff. It can also be renamed.

Animania Parrots at Youtube

Parrot can also be worn as attachment, but then it can't fly and walk around.

This Parrot package includes the necessary Landing Perch. Also available: Blue-Yellow Macaw Parrot and Scarlett Macaw Parrot!



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Vendido por: Vinnie Baxter

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