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Rinnegan texture for Furry Eyes

Rinnegan texture for Furry Eyes
Rinnegan texture for Furry Eyes
1 Resenhas

This is Rinnegan texture mod for furry eyes.
Made for Raawr tiger, tested on Aventity horse (needed adjusting). If used on other avatars, please notice that You may have to adjust the texture by changing the rotation & scale.

I left the texture uncolored so it's easier for you to change it's color.

How to use:
1. Rez your eye on the ground. (Or just edit the eyes on you, but I highly recommend rezzing on ground so you see better what you're doing.)
2. Right-click on the eye, pick edit.
3. Edit linked --> select face --> click on the color part of your eye. Change the texture to the one you received in this pack.
4. Adjust the texture if needed (if you need help with this step, please don't hesitate to contact me via IM).
5. Go to texture tab to pick desired color for your Rinnegan (the color I used can be found from the notecard included in the packet.)
6. Take the eye back to your inventory, wear and enjoy. :)

I might create other Naruto eye textures too in the future if asked.

  • Texture mod for furry eyes
  • Can be adjusted to fit most furry avatars
  • Tested on Raawr tiger & Aventity Equine eyes
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furrygan :D
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 02/10/2014 por Mel Gigamon

1 looks good 2 works for the most furry eyes (curios inc,kzk,raawr) 3 the service is great

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Vendido por: KuraiHan

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