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**SHINE** Mesh Satchel bag/ Vintage

**SHINE** Mesh Satchel bag/ Vintage
**SHINE** Mesh Satchel bag/ Vintage
0 Resenhas

❀ Modern and attractive bag comes in 16 colors and designs. In this pack you only get one from the picture above.
❀ 2 wear options hand and forearm.
❀ Beautiful color changing mood stone with over 15 available textures. (Just touch the stone to scroll through textures)

Mesh items require the use of a mesh enabled viewer. The official Second Life viewers 2 and 3 and some 3rd party viewers are mesh compatible.

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  • Mesh
  • 2 attachment options (hand and forearm)
  • Color changing mood stone

L$ 199

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S H I N E  Skins & Fashion
S H I N E Skins & Fashion
Vendido por: Love Foxdale

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