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[SKM] Fire Truck Boys MESH Clothing Versão 2.0

[SKM] Fire Truck Boys MESH Clothing
[SKM] Fire Truck Boys MESH Clothing
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SOKEN MESH CLOTHES - rigged to your avatar, no more belly creasing and stretchy textures! Perfect for child / short avatars, but try on my FREE mesh outfits (Not demos) to see if they will fit your avatar before you purchase this outfit.

High Quality- Includes all accessories and shoes. RESIZER SCRIPTS are embedded in shoes / accessories for custom fitting if not Mod. Neccessary alphas are also included inside package.

★ NOTE ★
Includes different size Bermuda Shorts - Small Medium Large - to fit smaller child avatars to taller pre teen avatars.

Sizes differ in waist area to fit better just in case you'd like to pull off the shirtless look. If you wish to wear the Bermuda shorts WITH the shirt, I recommend wearing small to give space for ample movement.

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L$ 325

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Versão demo
.:: Soken Kids Mesh ::.
.:: Soken Kids Mesh ::.
Vendido por: Kezzy Ugimachi

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