~SWAN~ Dangerous Juggling Pack
Inside the pack is a variety of attachments so you may juggle a varying number of dangerous items at once. The juggling attachments contain an AO script with stand, walk, turn left and turn right animations, so be sure to turn off your everyday AO before attaching the jugglers.
The dangerous juggling pack contains:
Fire Torches (look great at night!)
Glass bottles
Each clockwise attachment has an anti-clockwise version (labelled 'Reverse Direction'), which you can attach simultaneously. You can even juggle two combinations of dangerous objects, if you feel brave!
The pairs attach to the right and left pec positions on the avatar.
Also available: The Ultimate Juggling Pack
All three juggling packs in one:
Juggle... balls!
Juggle... food!
Dangerous Juggling
*Please note* Sometimes, if you have two combinations attached and you remove one, the animation will cut out, due to the competing scripts. Simply nudge your cursor to move slightly and it'll catch up.
For any queries, contact Cyneswith Luik ;)
Veja o item no Second Life- Choice of knives, glass bottles or fire torches
- Each choice has 2 different attachments - can be worn at once
- Seamless juggle animation
good anim
Nice animation, not so great particle effect
Great for RP!
Animations are fantastic as are the props. Ideal for RP