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Salsa Dance Party Ponle Sabor 15 .

Salsa Dance Party Ponle Sabor 15 .
Salsa Dance Party Ponle Sabor 15 .
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Salsa Dance Party Ponle Sabor , one of the cheapest and most beautifull single salsa dances in secondlife. Now on Sale Only 75$L

TIP : You can afcourse rezz more pose balls to form a Salsa Dance Line ,or to use as a couple dance. To have fun with all your friends ! Dance Balls are (Copyable)

History Facts : Today's salsa dancing is a rich blend of Latin-American and Western influences, namely from Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Colombia. Some dance styles that have influenced salsa are Western and Ballroom dancing. Salsa traces a 90 year history in which there are a multiple evolutionary paths, sometimes split due to political and social influences. As result, today, there are three major salsa styles, namely Cuban Salsa (Casino), New York Style ("Mambo on 2"), and Los Angeles Style ("On 1"). Other Salsa branches include Colombian Salsa ("Cali-Style") and Miami-Style Salsa.

Salsa is normally a partner dance, although there are recognized solo forms, line dancing (suelta), and Rueda de Casino where groups of couples exchange partners in a circle. Salsa can be improvised or performed with a set routine, choreography, and freestyle.

Click videolink : & Listen to the sound of Wonderfull Latin Salsa Music - Included in this Box 24 Hours of the best Salsa Music In Secondlife (Land Streaming Url)


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L$ 75

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