Schadenfreude Stripe & Polka Dots Corsets Uberpack (24 corsets)

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24 rigged mesh corsets- chevron stripes and polka dots in 8 colours- tied in the back with a black ribbon. The rigged mesh versions are sized to the 5 Standard Sizes for women, and also the 5 sizes for men. Static sculpted prim versions are also included.

These require 2.0 alpha layer support to hide the bits of your bod that the corset nips in, and you may need to edit your shape a bit to suit them as well. The corsets themselves are also mod, and you can fit it once, and add on texture change HUDs from other sets to change your fitted corset. There are two corset shapes to start from- one is more suited to wider hips and narrower ribs, the other to wider ribs.

There is now a mesh version of the corset as well- you can choose between the static and scalable sculpted prim corset, and the rigged mesh version, which will move with you (your shape may need more alterations with the rigged mesh version, suck that tummy in!)

You can find this and more in world at the elephant.

You can also see more information about these corsets at the Schadenfreude Blog.

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  • Texture change sculpted prim or rigged mesh corset

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Vendido por: Allegory Malaprop
É necessário desempacotar

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  • 0 estrelas 0 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
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  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 0
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh