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Sculpties boots uv map v.9004 sculpty for builder Versão 9004

Sculpties boots uv map v.9004 sculpty for builder
Sculpties boots uv map v.9004 sculpty for builder
1 Resenhas

Sculpties BUILDER KIT V. 9004 complet

Boots : sculpty map and sculpted prims to make your shoes or boots in your design

This Package included

- 3 sculpty Maps ( uv textures)
- 4 colored textures
- 2 templates textures
- sculpted prims exemple


(c) 2010,
by Surfaqua Oh, All Rights Reserved
Buying this product you agree to the following according to the TOS of the online game Second Life, and the legislation about copyrights related to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act:

Do not sell these items in full perm (business in a box) or a RESELL SHOP
These are for your builds or personal use and these are full perms so YOU can sell your own builds.
WE WILL FILE A DMCA on every resell personn who reselled prims, sculpty MAP, textures in full perm.

CAUTION: Use only for Second Life. It is prohibited to transfer the sculpties, objects, textures and uv map on other grids (in Others platforms).

Allowed from reselling no copy or no transfer: YES
allowed to resell full perm: NO
allowed to transfert on other platforms or grids: NO

(C) 2010,
par Surfaqua Oh, Tous droits réservés
En achetant ce produit vous acceptez les conditions suivantes selon le TOS du jeu Second Life, et de la législation sur les copyrights liés à la Digital Millennium Copyright Act:

Ne pas vendre, ni donner ces articles en full perm (boîte business) ou dans un magasin de resell.
C'est pour votre usage personnel ou pour les ventes de vos propres construction.

ATTENTION: Utilisation uniquement pour Second Life. Il est interdit de transferer les sculpties, objets, textures et uv map sur d'autres grids (sur d'autres plateformes).

Autorisation de revendre en no copy ou no transfert : OUI
Autorisation de revendre en full perm : NON
Autorisation de transfert sur les autres plateformes ou grids : NON

Veja o item no Second Life
  • sculpties
  • sculpty boots
  • uv map
  • sculpted prims
  • full perm
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Nice sculpts/textures and shaping
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 10/02/2011 por Vespah Wasp

These boot sculpts are great and the fact they come with a couple of textures to use on your own designs is a huge plus point.
The fit/shape of the sculpts were good and overall a great buy for clothing builders.

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L$ 820

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Surfaqua Oh -
Vendido por: Surfaqua Oh

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