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ShuShu TRAVEL AROUND special outfit & MaryJane wedges - MESH - shushu congrejo

ShuShu TRAVEL AROUND special outfit & MaryJane wedges - MESH - shushu congrejo
ShuShu TRAVEL AROUND special outfit & MaryJane wedges - MESH - shushu congrejo
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I LOVE MESH! you get a MESH outfit with
- rigged MaryJane wedges 3 sizes
- mesh pants Maitreya & 5 sizes
- mesh coat Maitreya & 5 sizes
- shirt & pants - system & appliers to SLink Maitreya & Omega/Belleza
- mesh hat rezisable
- mesh journey bag
- mesh sunglasses
- mesh jewels

...unique realistic textures...

by ShuShu Congrejo - ShuShu TREND

Inside SL my store is located at the little town form LAMU ISLAND...the sims made by AnaLee Balut. You will find mesh clothes at two floors.

It is not a secret that AnaLee and me work together and you can see this at the items I do. At the end it´s me!...and for all who RL she is my mother.

Customer, who bring some time, should take a stroll in Analee’s desert sims “LAMU ISLAND”. The oriental, african style, full of harmony makes it a perfect chill out area, with quite a few attractions to discover.


Veja o item no Second Life
  • boots
  • mesh
  • coat
  • Maitreya
  • jewelry

L$ 100

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Shushu Congrejo

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
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