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Skybox Rentals: :::Manor Suites

Skybox Rentals: :::Manor Suites
Skybox Rentals: :::Manor Suites
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Welcome to The Manor suites! We provide fully furnished, high-end, affordable rentals for as little as 25 Lindens a day. At the Manor Suites, you can count on us to provide impeccable service. Our goal is to provide you with quality living in Second Life at a fraction of the cost.

Luxury doesn’t have to cost much – enjoy your new home with us! If you like what you see, come to our office and use the teleporters to check out our rentals – see you soon!

Our rental office can be found here:

Our rentals have the following amenities:

- 3 level security orbs
- Apartment style and outdoor scenes
- Multi scenes
- Option to remove furniture from scenes so you can use your own
- Shared radio with a variety of stations
- Intan dance balls
- TV
- Ability to add people to your rental with rezzing rights

You can earn free days on your rental through our referral program.

The pictures shown are just a hint of what you can come to expect at our rentals.

Visit our website:

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Owner: Dorian Meredith
Manager: Monica Querrien

Please Note: This listing is to provide information on how you can rent from us inworld. Buying this listing is not a skybox reservation.

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  • Skyboxes - 50 prims + included furniture from the scenes
  • Skydomes - 70 prims + included furniture from the scenes
  • Option to remove furniture from scenes so you can use your own
  • Ability to purchase more prims for your rental
  • Ability to add people to your rental with rezzing rights

L$ 0

Excess Inventory
Vendido por: Monica Querrien

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