TBoR Pyramid House (58 Prims)

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This build is is for those who love Egypt and feel they want to live in a pyramid.
The pyramid has a color changed crystal (Crystal Eye) floating above it, this spins, changes colors, and is also a light... This can be turned off by the owner if it causes any lag.
The TV uses the Metaverse TV script meaning it is compatible with older viewers... Though this has mod perms so you can change the scipts if need be.
The bed has 0 naughty poses as I like to keep things PG, but it does come with 2 sleep positions.
The couch has 4 sit positions, these are the arm nearest the bed, and the three seat cushions.
*****PRIM COST*****
Pyramid: 25
Bed: 9
Couch: 10
Kitchen: 8
TV: 5
Poster: 1
REZ Box: 9
I Believe in keeping Second Life stores in Second Life itself... so you'll find everything (pritty much) that I sell inworld for less.



  • Color Changing Crystal
  • Egyptian Themed Interior
  • Fully Furnished
  • 15m x 15m x 9.15m SIZE

Resenhas (XX)


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ToyBox of Random
ToyBox of Random
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Vendido por: Craig Le
Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

  • 0 estrelas 0 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 58