This Store

TMT Daisy Spring bgs seamless fabric textures

TMT Daisy Spring bgs seamless fabric textures
TMT Daisy Spring bgs seamless fabric textures

Texture Me True creates and sells luxurious, high quality, full perms textures for the discerning fashion designers and content creators of Second Life.

Texture Me True
Beautifully created, seamless textures optimized for use in Second life.
Textures are all 512 x 512 pixels unless otherwise stated.
Textures are 24 bit tga, or 32 bit tga if they are alpha Transparent/semi transparent

Reasons to check out the store inside Secondlife
New packs are often discounted for their first week of release.
Textures are displayed in an appealing and inspirational manner for ease of viewing
There are a large number of groups gifts available
There's a considerable selection of free texture packs
You might run into Uncle Gerry, (grins)

(Please read before purchasing this item)
The textures included in this pack are not for individual repackaging, reselling or gifting. They are to used to enhance your own creations.
Please only use them in your own builds/creations which you sell in Second Life.
kind regards Gerard

Veja o item no Second Life

L$ 300

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Texture Me True
Texture Me True
Vendido por: Gerard Tunwarm

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

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