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[TRB] Men's Bunker Gear v3: Airport

[TRB] Men's Bunker Gear v3: Airport

While on a call, what do you wear? We hope to make our Men's Bunker Gear v3 outfit for Airports your new first choice!

*CUSTOMER NOTICE* Don't be fooled by misleading vendor images from other stores, with [TRB] Outfitters, You'll always get a complete outfit including...

- 5x Rigged Mesh Bunker Coat [sizes xSmall-xLarge]
- 5x Rigged Bunker Pants [sizes xSmall-xLarge]
- 2x Static mesh Fire Boots
- 1x pair of optional Rigged Mesh Fire Boots
- 1x Static Mesh Firefighter Helmet
- 1x Static Mesh Hood
- 1x Static Mesh Respirator
- 1x Static Mesh Air Tank W/ Harness
- 1x pair of Static Mesh Firefighter Gloves
> all Static mesh item are extremely easy to manually adjust to your liking.
- 1x Our new Texture Tablet Hud
- 1x Soot tattoo layer
- Assorted copy/mod Alpha layers to better mix and match your outfit with other SL purchases!
- Pose stand to help you adjust your static mesh objects better.
-and a helpful notecard to help you with your new purchase.

*** If you purchased any of our Men's Bunker gear outfit before June 19, 2015 you qualify for a free update! Please contact me, Andy Harper (Andy2.Spore). Please provide as much information about your original purchase as possible, order number or if it was a gift, who bought you the product.

***Demo available in-world
At [TRB] Outfitters, we're committed to you! Should you need help with purchase, have any questions or just want your feedback to be heard, please don't hesitate to contact me, Andy Harper (andy2.spore) and I'll do my very best to make your [TRB] Outfitter shopping experience second to none!

*** SL viewer 3 or third party mesh enabled viewer is required for use! ***

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L$ 300

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[TRB] Outfitters™
[TRB] Outfitters™
Vendido por: Andy2 Spore

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