Tahiti Wind hut skybox - 21 scene tiki holodeck, couple sofa, rug, over 500 animations! Versão 4.1

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WATCH THE TAHITI WIND HUT SKYBOX VIDEO! Click on the video link below.

Welcome to the Tahiti Wind Hut Skybox by Belle Bartlett & Blaze Nielsen

The skybox is no copy, no modify, no transfer. It easily rezzes and de-rezzes with the deck rezzer piece.
* 21 scene Dome menu
* 300 couple pose sofa sectional (for two couples)
* 230 couple pose animated rug
* Working fireplace
* Ceiling fan with light
* Meditation flute
* Closable curtains

The Tahiti Wind Hut Skybox includes animated sofa, animated rug, ceiling fan, fireplace, hammock and plants.
172 prims (including all furniture). The exterior dome measures 50 x 50 meters.

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Superior Product
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 01/02/2012 por Peki Jaynesford

This skybox is absolutely charming. The sounds of the pan flutes set against 21 spectacular backgrounds. Included are the most romantic and realisitc animations This is the third product I have purchased from Bartlett & Nielsen and all have been of the best quality and at very reasonable prices. I have had a couple of questions along the way and their customer service is outstanding and patient. A visit to their store inworld is a must see.

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BARTLETT & NIELSEN | skybox  boat bed pool furniture tiki
BARTLETT & NIELSEN | skybox boat bed pool furniture tiki
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Vendido por: Blaze Nielsen
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  • Impacto no terreno: 172