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Tara's Creations Necklace Series - Gay (Box)

Tara's Creations Necklace Series - Gay (Box)

Tara's Creations Necklace Series

The Tara's Creations Necklace attaches automatically to the Spine. If you change this attachment point by mistake then just rez out another copy. If you change it on purpose then please, test the necklace even if it looks perfect while posing, while you are walking. My advice is to leave it on the spine.

As it comes out of the box it should fit perfectly on most necks (not greatly enlarged or made incredibly small necks though) perfectly.

Jewelry is a fickle thing to get just right. Necklaces are no different and to hang on your neck correctly they sometimes need adjusting to be totally correct. Adjustments are required sometimes based on Neck Size, Body Size etc.

The Tara's Creations Necklace series is non-Rigged Mesh. This means you can pose yourself using either the HUD option "Pose", or the supplied Pose Stand and move it around slightly on your neck.

If you need to Resize do NOT stretch the necklace. It will not work correctly. Use the RESIZE option on the lower right hand of your HUD. (NOT Resize Hud Just the plain "Resize" button.) If you have an extremely small neck, and you find you are having problems in sizing, then just contact me.

Perfect Placement is an art in SL so just be patient as you pose and get it just right, if you need to that at all!


The HUD you have been given has many capabilities. Each HUD I release has as many possibilities that can be added for the specific collection.

With time, I have learned what my customers really desire from the HUD is to put it up, do what they need to do and detach it. Huds can be overwhelming, as today everything comes with a HUD. However, customers also want all the capabilities that are available.

Overall View of the HUD:

1. Textures - This you are familiar with. Click the color of the texture you want (these are called "swatches") and your item should change to that color.

2. Tools - Upper Right Hand Corner
Join Us - Clicking On this will give you an offer to join the Tara's Creations group.
Landmark - Will give you an LM to the main Tara's Creations store.
Teleport - Will open a Map for you to TP to the store.
MarketPlace - Will open up the MP for Tara's Creations in your browser.
@ - Will give you Tara's email
? - Gives you this card [Specific to the HUD]
Resize HUD - is NOT a resize for your clothing. Resize HUD allows you Resize the HUD on Screen. This cannot go below a certain point (that is done on purpose) so as not to destroy the Hud.
Door - Just click this to DETACH the HUD.

Secondary Tools - Depending on the HUD:
Depending on the Item you purchased these may or may not be on your HUD.

Glow Intensity - If your item is capable of Glow there are two ways to increase the Glow Intensity. One is using the Panel. This will based upon what light bulb you click increase or decrease the Glow by 5%. Clicking on the + or - will increase or decrease in increments of 10%. Of course, you can turn Glow off by clicking the middle of the Panel or by decreasing it to 0%.

Bright - Bright On/Bright off.

Bling - While I am not a fan of Bling this will turn On and Off Bling.

Resize - If your item is capable of resize, (non-rigged Mesh or Jewelry etc.) this will resize it. Remember if you are dealing with Nano Mesh (such as in Jewelry) don't push this too much down or up. This is NOT the same as Resize Hud explained above.

Hide - This is used in certain Jewelry objects - where it can hide certain parts of the jewelry. For instance in the Sexuality Series e.g. Gender Signs, it will hide the Gender signs and turn your object into a plain choker or bracelet or necklace. In the Necklace it will hide the charms/objects. (Though in the necklace it will leave you with just a plain necklace hanging on your neck.)

Pose - will Pose you to adjust.

Specific to this HUD:

There are 35 Textures for each charm or object on the necklace. Maximum is 2 charms.

Textures on HUD are divided into two areas:
One and Two
If you have a necklace with one charm/object only Section One will work for you. Use that to change the texture of the object.

If your have a necklace with 2 objects then Section One controls the 1st object and Section Two the second.. If in doubt as to which is which, just click on a texture in Section One, and see which charm changed.

Necklace - There are 17 textures for the Necklace itself. Just click the Texture swatch and it changes the color of the Necklace.
As you can see, there are many options.
Each is designed to work for you and give you total control of the Item you bought.

Any questions, suggestions, problems do not hesitate to IM me.

You can view all the necklaces in this series inworld @ Tara's Creations.

Enjoy :)

Tara's Creations

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