Tarot reading Credit card 800
This credit card is available in-world for the actual value it has (L$ 800).
Just click "see item in Second Life!
For all kinds of readings it is necessary that you yourself will pick your own card(s) out of the deck inworld. For this we will need an appointment. Please see contact information below.
I have 40 + years of experience with Tarot in real life and over 20 years experience in doing readings over the Internet. I've been doing readings in SL since 2010 with very good results.
Readings available in English , German and Dutch.
Readings can be done in voice or in text-typing as you like best.
Options and Prices
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one question - one card answer
(get to know me = free L$ gift) 400 L$
A series of questions with
one card answers to each question 400 L$ / card
what to do - what not to do
(2 cards) 800 L$
past-present-future (for a topic)
(3 cards) 1.200 L$
the state of your relationship
(7 cards) 2.100 L$
Celtic Cross reading,
either for a specific question
or as a general reading
(10 cards) 2.800 L$
4 cards personality analysis 1.500 L$
Full 11 card personality analysis 3.000 L$
a real world document in which
your 11 card reading is deeply explained,
send to you by email 14.000 L$
You also can ask advice on getting a reading specifically designed for your situation. If I get the right inspiration I might see a special way to draw the cards for your situation. I will mention the price for the reading when we have found one.
To help you out with a reading I always will take sufficient time. An 11 card reading very often goes well over one hour f.i. and even a"one question / one card answer"often enough will take up to 15 minutes of time. Although I do not need to get rich from this work, I feel it is appropriate to ask for some compensation. I still think I 'm offering my services at a fairly cheap rate.
If you really cannot afford my prices you could ask for a discount.
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Please IM Jos Joszpe to make an appointment.
You can also email to josjoszpe@gmail.com or drop me a notecard. I always will respond as soon as possible.
- Credit card for Tarot reading by Ankh (Jos Joszpe)
- value L$ 800
L$ 880
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