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The Rawker, Rocking Horse / Pony Toy with Animated sit and sized for Tiny Tots Toddler Kids Black & Pink

The Rawker, Rocking Horse / Pony Toy with Animated sit and sized for Tiny Tots Toddler Kids Black & Pink
The Rawker, Rocking Horse / Pony Toy with Animated sit and sized for Tiny Tots Toddler Kids Black & Pink
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This is one rawking pony gorgeous colors to match many nurseries & a cute bow tied flexi tail! ...easy sit and ride (adjustable positioning for sit) just click pony to get him going in motion...and get him to halt...especially sized for Tiny Tot...if you need a bigger version please send notecard...I did not want to add an additional size script to this for confusion and lag.

Come try him out inworld! He's upstairs!

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L$ 99

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Native Visions, Wee-Ah & Rhia
Native Visions, Wee-Ah & Rhia
Vendido por: Rhiamon Nitely

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