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The four winds ~ North ~f Versão 1.0

The four winds ~ North ~f
The four winds ~ North ~f
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The four winds
prayer for opening sacred space

This ritual is one of four prayer lyrics called the four winds and is directed to the north.

East for Spirit
South for Nature
West for Body
North for Mind

This delightful Shaman Ritual animation will recite the following prayer as your avatar performs a fully animated and lengthy praying loop during the ritual.

Drag the gesture called "north" into your "Gestures" folder and then right-click on it and select “Activate” to activate the gesture.

You may now play this gesture by any of the following methods:

(1) Type /north in the public chat window
(2) Click on “Gestures” in the menu bar and select “ north”

These gesture is intended for female shaman voice!

  • Gesture
  • Animation
  • Sound

L$ 140

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Vendido por: Anoukfae

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