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Tranquility - Square Planter Box Mesh Kit Versão v2

Tranquility - Square Planter Box Mesh Kit

Objects: 3
Faces: 1 per object
Land Impact: .5 each object, 2 when all three are linked.

Square Planter Box Mesh Kit contains 3 mesh objects including one planter, a dirt mesh object and a shadow prim mesh object.  The shadow and dirt mesh prims are linked with the planter.  AO and UV maps are provided for the planter, AO Map is provided for the dirt mesh object. The shadow prim object is pre-textured for you.
This mesh kit is sold with full perms for SL creators and builders but is subject to our User License Agreement. Please review the license prior to purchasing, a downloadable pdf copy is available below.

All items/kits/components acquired from Tranquility remain Copyright © 2009 Lyta McKennan, and DBA TranquilityManager Resident.

Instruções de download