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Typer RS-VampireFX

Typer RS-VampireFX
Typer RS-VampireFX
0 Resenhas

Typer made with mesh and primitive parts. The typer has a gothic thematic, inspired in an invocation altar, where the avatar is surrounded of an invocation cyrcle, besides appears candles which floats around the avatar, and it holds a black skull on his hand. It also includes a HUD of changing colours for your preference. Besides includes a HUD of automatic changing colours.

Inside the folder you will find 4 elements:
RS-Hand Skull
RS-Color HUD 2.6

Thank you very much for your purchase, in case of any doubt, please send me an im or you can also visit us directly in the store, whose link will be in the description. Enjoy the product :)

**I also make typers with custom designs on request, in case of any doubt please contact me**

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L$ 120

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Vendido por: FerdyRosasP

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Re-entrega automática
Mesh: Mesh parcial
Impacto no terreno: 6