Easy HUD to activate the bake on mesh for Vista head´s and hands.
BOM is a way to use system avatar layers (skins, tattoos, clothes etc) in your mesh attachments.
Remember to unwear alphas.
To return to an applier/HUD testure just apply one again.
Note you need a compatible BOM (Bakes on Mesh) viewer.
I tried this on my Vista Gerard Mesh Head and didn't like the way it made my face look. I like the look of the head alpha and skin colors in the mesh head HUD. To me it seems like I need a specific BOM HUD for the model head I have.
Works like a charm!
I have ZOE head. You have to have the BOM HUD on in addition to your Vista head HUD, and remove the head alpha. The HUD acts as a bridge.
I'm so thankful this HUD is available!
I have had big trouble finding head skins that I like in SL, and this HUD was a lifesaver! Works perfectly!