The VR Studio includes a Posestand, HUD, Mobile Library, and Backdrop - all you need to take professional photos in SL.
See the <a href="">Owner's Manual</a> for a full tour of the features.
The VR Studio Posestand features no-nonsense design offering 3 methods for controlling your current pose via keyboard, click or chat. The posestand has a built-in rez on demand projector lighting and a photosphere backdrop which pops in or out, or changes color with easy, intuitive chat commands or HUD control.
The library pose management system allows you to organize your animations quickly into physical libraries with the simplicity of drag and drop.
The VR Studio HUD adds even more control, allowing you to quickly access up to 7 posestands at once, store favorite background colors, and pose and camera position memory presets. Up to 6 pose and camera presets can be saved to be rapidly recalled making repetitive product photography sequences a snap.
You will find a DEMO of the Stand at VR Foundry.
- Up to 250 libraries in one posestand.
- Libraries are created on the fly by loading animations into a prim generated by the posestand
- Sorted alphabetically
- Can be selected from either the posestand itself or through the HUD (use the "L" button)
- 2 formats for displaying libraries from the posestand.
- Add or remove poses to a library at any time by changing the library prim inventory
- Delete a library by unlinking it from the posestand and deleting the prim
Pose Control
- Control 7 avatars at once via the HUD.
- new quick recall button to quickly return to the previously displayed pose
- sit position and rotation can be adjusted on the fly
- quick turn ring lets you turn your model to face the right way with a single click
- keyboard control lets you navigate your animation library faster
Photo Sphere/Lighting
- pop-out projector lights come in a variety of styles, and can automatically aim at your model
- quickly manipulate the parameters of your projectors via the HUD
- save light sets for later use when you get them set just how you like them
- install custom light packs made by anyone, or just make them yourself
- large color control system based on HSV or RGB allows for precise color adjustments
- sphere and lights rez right where you want them
- 6 memory presets can save your pose, camera position, avatar position, etc. to make repetitive product shoots a snap
- "quick lock" button creates a camera preset (independent of posestand links) with a single click
- Checks for updates automatically from anywhere on the grid, so you'll get any updates immediately!
- all libraries run off a single script which is copied over to where it is needed, so the script impact is lower than ever.
Builder's Poses
- now includes a library called "Builder's Poses" with 7 animations useful for building and animation testing avatar accessories
No copy hunter
Some people have run into the issue that they accidentally put a no copy animation into a posestand which had thousands of animations in it, thus making the entire posestand no copy. Trying to scroll through thousands of animations to find the one or two that are no copy takes an eternity and is usualy fruitless. The VR Studio Posestand has a one-button fix for this now. Enjoy!
- Drag-and-drop organization of animation libraries
- Quick creation and control over projector lights
- Mobile library allows you to pose yourself or friends when you're on the go
- Holds a nearly unlimited number of animations
This item is beyond wonderful and was exactly what I was looking for +5
Great Product & Price!
Yesterday i got this studio... Since i have to shoot many pics for my store i believed this studio would add something to the other 2 i already have... and it sure does! It does all it promised to do and then some... And the customer service is amazing as well!
Very happy
I must admit that I was sceptical at first, I always read the reviews and seeing that it had then finding out there was only one to actual read put me off. But none the less I got it and I have to say that it is the best studio I have bought yet (and I've bought a lot of them) I have even have Lumipro for gods sake which does nothing in my opinion if your more into editing like me than then inworld photography.
I would not be able to do what I do without it
Everyone who knows me knows that I would not be able to function without this product. It is hands down the best all in one posestand studio I have ever used, from the start back in 06' when it started out so simple, it was already ahead of so many. I have watched it change and add an incredible amount of functions much needed by the community whether you blog, model, are a photographer or own a business, this system will save you time and empower you to do so much more than you ever thought you could do.