Valentine Candy Bear Gift Box

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The Candy Bear Gift Box from Dogland is a wonderful gift for anyone you love for Valentines day.
Whoever touches the bear gets two things.
1-They get a chocolate candy, scripted with fantastic eating animation.
2-They get a lovely "poof" of pink hearts directed directly at them!
The Candy Bear is free, and can be copied and transferred, so that you can enjoy him, and give him as a gift to your friends.
This item may be resold if you find the opportunity, but it's true spirit is as a free gift to those you love!
This is a gift to SL from Dogland Dog Park's own Virtual Dog Owner's Open Chat group and Survivors of TBI, in Rhoda

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  • FREE
  • Gives Chocolate that has great eating animation
  • Sends a "poofed" bouquet of hearts to recipient



Dogland Park
Dogland Park
Vendido por: Vitolo Rossini

Usar agora

Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Funcionam com avatares Dogland Enterprises
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