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~*WH*~Mesh Horse/Human Cuddler

~*WH*~Mesh Horse/Human Cuddler
~*WH*~Mesh Horse/Human Cuddler
1 Resenhas

9 animation sets for ~*WH*~ horse/drafter avatars and a human are included here!

*Stargaze with your favorite human
*Read a book on your horse's back
*Hug your horse form astride

*Put your head over your human's shoulder
*Scratch your horse's chin!
*Nuzzle and nudge your rider

*Pet your horse
*Sit with your horse
*Rub your horse's back

Pose sets are included for the ~*WH*~ Mesh horse and the ~*WH*~ Drafter

  • Cuddles!
Classificação média: full star full star full star full star empty star
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very nice
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 16/11/2014 por Ranu Clawtooth

very beautiful animations, so sweet. :)

Update: The animations are really nice. But... 11 prims for two horseshoes?! I'm sorry, but I have to pull back a star.

Please update this...

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L$ 499

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Water Horse
Vendido por: Tyrian Slade

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